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NEXT In Line For Iridium... Lockheed Martin, Space Systems Loral + Thales Alenia Space

24 марта 2008

Iridium Satellite has reached agreement with three companies to enter into the concept development phase in its design and development procurement process for “NEXT,” the company’s nexgen satellite constellation.

Over the next five months, Lockheed Martin, Space Systems Loral, and Thales Alenia Space, will develop design concepts, review critical engineering trades and evaluate performance and capabilities required for NEXT along with the costs to manufacture and launch the system. Based on these findings, Iridium plans to select two candidates to take on the detailed system development phase of the procurement process.

This past summer, Iridium released a NEXT Request for Information (RFI) for design, development and deployment of the network and over 60 companies replied. From that RFI, six candidates were identified who have demonstrated the capabilities to meet the technical, operational and commercial requirements of NEXT. Of those six, Iridium narrowed the field to these three companies. Last year, Iridium unveiled its plans for NEXT and continues to make significant strides with its timeline and goals for the program. Based on analysis, industry feedback, and progress to date, Iridium expects the 2013 launch date to be achievable.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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