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T-Mobile partners with Medio on European mobile search

13 сентября 2007

Medio replaces Microsoft as T-Mobile's pan-European mobile search provider. T-Mobile this week launched a new mobile search service for its European t-zones customers following a partnership agreement with Medio.

The mobile search and advertising provider already works with T-Mobile in the U.S., and this week's announcement sees it expanding its partnership to European markets.

Launching initially in the U.K., Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, Medio said the new service will be extended to the Czech Republic by the end of September.

Medio is a white label provider, meaning operators can tailor the interface to match their own style.

"We don't think operators need to turn their revenues over to the big brands," said Lee Joseph, managing director, EMEA, Medio, who told Total Telecom that Medio is replacing Microsoft as T-Mobile's search partner of choice for its European t-zones service.

Medio has been working with T-Mobile to deliver mobile search services to its customers in the U.S., which, Joseph commented, doesn't pose the same challenges as the European mobile market.

"The States is homogenous…we're only dealing with one language," he said, "In Europe that's not the case, we started with the U.K. and Germany but before expanding [to other European countries] we need to make sure we've focused on each market."

Joseph stressed the importance of targeted searching for the mobile Web.

"A Web search isn't the same as a mobile search, you have to be one to two clicks away [from the right content] in order for it to work," he said.

"If you don't make the user experience as good as possible…it won't drive [mobile Internet] usage," he said.

T-Mobile is also planning to support Medio's mobile advertising solution, which uses the same search technology to return targeted adverts on consumers' handsets, said a Medio statement.

"Mobile advertising is the biggest new thing on the horizon," commented Joseph, adding, "It goes hand in hand with [mobile] search."

He said that analysts predict mobile advertising in Western Europe will be worth over $1 billion by 2009, but warned that "estimates vary."

Joseph said that Medio intends to become the European market leader in mobile search and advertising.

"We want to start dialogues with ad agencies across Europe in order to move this industry forward," he said.

Source: http://www.totaltele.com/

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