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Spaceway 3 Goes Online

09 апреля 2008

On Monday, Hughes Network Systems said it activated its first HughesNet consumer subscriber for broadband internet service utilizing its new Spaceway 3 satellite.

The satellite can deliver up to 10 Gigabits per second of gross capacity, which Hughes said makes it the highest traffic-carrying satellite to be brought into service in North America. Also, the next-generation, Ka-band satellite is the first to employ on-board traffic switching and routing.

"With this significant milestone, our Spaceway 3 satellite has officially commenced carrying revenue-bearing traffic, making Hughes a fully integrated service provider," said Pradman Kaul, president and CEO of Hughes.

Spaceway 3 was launched by Arianespace last August, and then was placed into geostationary orbit by Boeing in December, at which time Hughes assumed operational control.

Источник: SkyREPORT

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