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Google seeks IBM deal

04 мая 2008

Internet giant views collaboration with IBM as a key inroad to delivering desktop applications to corporations.

Google Inc. wants to work with International Business Machines Corp. and its network of resellers and systems integration partners to help sell its desktop applications to large businesses.

Speaking to a gathering of IBM's key industry partners, including systems integrators and resellers in
Los Angeles on Thursday, Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt said that a partnership with IBM would be a "key plank" of a strategy of trying to get its desktop applications to more business customers.

Schmidt's remarks come amid heightened interest in the strategic moves that Google, which generates almost all of its revenue from Internet search advertising aimed at consumers, is making into the desktop applications marketplace.

Last month the Mountain View, Calif., search giant announced a partnership with Salesforce.com Inc.(CRM), whereby Salesforce, which makes Web-based applications for sales executives, would distribute Google's desktop products, including word processing and spreadsheet tools, to its customers. Google's applications are currently free, but some premium applications will later be available only for a fee.

Working with IBM and with its network of resellers and systems integrators is "certainly one of the key planks of the strategy, because otherwise we can't reach the customers," Schmidt said.

He added some IBM applications were already embedding Google technology.

Google and IBM last year launched an alliance focusing on making so-called "cloud computing" available to college faculty members and students. Cloud computing is a generic term for a number of ways in which technologies can be stored remotely on giant servers and accessed by consumers or businesses via the Internet, instead of having to be stored on the hard drive of a personal computer or server located on the premises.

Источник: Total Telecom

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