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VimpelCom not in talks to buy MTN

22 мая 2008

Earlier press reports claimed Russian operator was considering bid alongside Deutsche Telekom.

Russia's Vimpel Communications isn't in talks to buy a stake in South African mobile phone operator MTN Group Ltd, a person familiar with the company told Dow Jones Newswires Wednesday.

Indian daily Business Standardhad earlier Wednesday reported that VimpelCom is considering a bid for MTN alongside
Germany's Deutsche Telekom AG.

Separately, an executive working in
Russia's telecoms sector, who asked not to be named, said he understood that VimpelCom has held talks with MTN in the past, but said that the talks weren't linked to any imminent deal.

"Of course VimpelCom talks to companies that are for sale, that's normal for a company of its size that wants to grow," the person told Dow Jones.

Источник: Total Telecom

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