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Indosat selects Nokia Siemens Networks’ service delivery solution

22 мая 2008

Nokia Siemens Networks has been selected by Indosat to implement a 3G Service Delivery Platform (SDP) in its network.

Based on Nokia Siemens Networks’ Service Delivery Framework ecosystem, the solution comprises content management, a video gateway, a video portal, video streaming, messaging gateway platform, charging and partner management as well as best-of-breed products from selected partners for a comprehensive solution to meet Indosat’s customers’ needs.

These capabilities, combined with the open standards-based solution from Nokia Siemens Networks, allow Indosat to bring to market different types of rich content from their content partners to its customers.
The full platform also has the capability to enable Indosat to migrate their existing 2G content providers, creating a dynamic 2G and 3G service delivery platform for their subscribers.

“Providing our customers with the best content services and strengthening our relationship with content provider partners are the keys to our continuing effort to deliver value added services.
We believe Nokia Siemens Networks service delivery framework will address the increasing demands of our customers and partners. This co-operation with Nokia Siemens Networks enhances the long standing partnership they have with our company,” said Johnny Swandi Sjam, President Director, Indosat.

The SDP for 3G Value Added Services offers further advantages, enabling Indosat to market its own brand of 3G content as well as its partners’ to subscribers.
This gives Indosat a competitive technological and financial edge over its competitors. The project is planned to be ready for launch in the first quarter 2008.

“Nokia Siemens Network’s Service Delivery Framework is based on an open standard that allows the usage of best in breed platforms from our partners.
This will allow Indosat consumers to download games, music and video, enjoy video streaming and live TV over 3G and also enable the rich contents to be pushed to them. The system also provides an advanced mobile storefront experience by having the preview and subscription options to select their favorite content. The framework is also market proven for the interoperability with various other networks. Nokia Siemens Networks is evaluated to have the best end to end proposition, owing to strong knowledge of devices and focus on providing the best end user experience,” said Arjun Trivedi, Head of Nokia Siemens Networks Sub Region Indonesia.

Under the terms of the contract, Nokia Siemens Networks will ensure the systems integration of the platform into Indosat’s network and provide maintenance and competence development and training services to the customer.
The Nokia Siemens Networks Service Delivery Framework (SDF) and leadership in service creation technology are unique differentiators in a competitive market. The company’s standards-based, multi-vendor service delivery solutions enable operators to get to market quickly and efficiently, allowing them to compete in a rapidly growing and changing market.

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