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Nortel teams with Alvarion on WiMAX; focus moves to LTE

18 июня 2008

When it comes to 4G, Nortel Networks is putting its R&D efforts behind LTE and teaming with Alvarion to come up with an end-to-end mobile WiMAX solution.

The shift is notable because in the past Nortel has touted its extensive WiMAX patent portfolio. Now the company says it will focus its R&D on LTE where it believes demand is emerging faster than predicted.

Nortel's LTE focus is timely considering major operators such as Verizon Wireless, Vodafone and AT&T have recently said that they plan to migrate to LTE technology. Verizon has said that it is currently trialing different LTE technologies.

On the mobile WiMAX front, Nortel will work with Alvarion to combine Alvarion's radio access network technology with Nortel's core network elements, backhaul solutions and applications such as VOIP, streaming music and video.
The collaboration also will include Nortel's consulting services and its network design and management expertise.

Источник: FierceWireless

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