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Polish consumers ahead of the pack on femtocells – survey

24 июня 2008

The majority of European consumers have never heard of femtocells, but many plan to purchase the technology in the next 12 months, according to the results of a new survey published on Monday.

Once the benefits of femtocell technology were explained – key factors being better in-home mobile coverage and lower costs - more than 40% of respondents said they were likely to adopt it within the year, a study of 1,800 mobile and Internet users in six European markets, carried out on behalf of Motorola by ABI Research, revealed.

The strongest interest came from
Poland, where 67% of those questioned said they would "definitely" or "probably" purchase a femtocell service, while Spain and Italy were not far behind, with 62% and 61% respectively.

Consumers in
France and the U.K. were less enthused, where 34% said they would sign up to a service, while the figure fell to 33% among German respondents.

Interestingly for the telcos, 54% of those questioned said they would prefer to take a femtocell service from their existing broadband provider, while more than a third showed an interest in bundled communications, suggesting a strong opportunity for integrated operators offering mobile and fixed broadband services.

41% of Polish respondents said having a femtocell would make them use their mobile phone more inside the home, as did 40% of Spanish respondents. Meanwhile, over half of all those surveyed said they were "extremely" or "very" interested in some kind of family plan centred around the femtocell.

"The survey clearly outlined that there is significant opportunity to link the handset into the connected home concept that leverages rich multimedia services as well as voice," said Stuart Carlaw, vice president of mobile wireless at ABI Research, in a statement.

"It is imperative that vendors and carriers recognise this at the earliest outset and engineer products and services that facilitate this post haste," he added.

The survey also showed that users expect plug-and-play functionality from their home communications equipment, Motorola and ABI said, with consumers more willing to buy a femtocell if they did not have to worry about setting it up. Hence, self-configuration features are a must.

Источник: Total Telecom

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