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Sarkozy plans 0.9% tax surcharge on French telcos

26 июня 2008

French president calls upon telecoms operators to plug public TV financing gap.

The French government plans to place a tax surcharge of 0.9% on revenue of telecommunications companies operating in France to fill the funding gap public television stations face beginning next year, when a phased ban on advertising takes effect.

President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the surcharge Wednesday after a government commission formally presented him with a plan to reform public TV.

Beginning in January, advertising will be restricted to certain time slots beginning next year and will be banned totally on
France's public television stations by December 2011, Sarkozy said.

The new 0.9% surcharge on telecoms company revenues is above the 0.5% the commission proposed a week ago. Sarkozy also said the government will impose EUR80 million of taxes on private TV broadcasters.

Источник: Total Telecom

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