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SatBroadband Revenues To Best Broadband VSAT By 2013

01 июля 2008

NSR LLC has released findings from their latest report, Broadband Satellite Markets, 7th Edition, that indicate revenues from consumer satellite broadband services will overtake enterprise class broadband VSAT network services by 2013.

The report is a comprehensive analysis of the global market for broadband VSAT networking, single site satellite broadband Internet access, and satellite broadband trunking & backhaul services in all regional markets. For several decades, classic VSAT networking services for corporate and governmental clients have dominated the greater satellite broadband market. And through to the end of 2007, broadband VSAT networking services continued to lead the market by most measures. Yet, according to Patrick French, Senior Analyst for NSR and the report’s author, "It is NSR's view that the promises first made for satellite broadband Internet access services in the late 1990s dot.com heyday are now finally on the verge of being fulfilled." NSR anticipates that, by the end of 2008, total subscribers to single site satellite broadband Internet access services, mainly but not exclusively found in North America, will surpass the global installed base of broadband VSAT sites in the corporate and government market. Also by the end of 2008, satellite capacity dedicated to single site satellite broadband Internet access services will exceed that used by corporate and governmental VSAT networks. Most importantly, NSR projects by 2013, total global revenues generated by satellite broadband Internet access services will top those coming from corporate and government broadband VSAT clients. By 2017, NSR anticipates that global satellite broadband Internet access revenues will hit US$3.86 billion, up from US$823 million in 2007.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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