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Open IPTV membership grows

07 июля 2008

The Open IPTV Forum announced that it has gained 11 new member companies since April of this year, and is continuing to make progress on specification development.

The new members include: Swisscom, FastWeb, Intel, Motorola, Access Company, BeeTV, Digital Fountain, InterTrust Technology Corporation, Opera Software, Thomson and ZyXEL. Rumors of additional membership had been circulating in recent weeks.

Forum members met last month at the headquarters of Telefónica in Madrid. The group already has produced the first draft of its "Service and Platform Requirements" document, and Forum Chairman Yun Chao Hu said in a statement that members "are working round the clock to meet our target of publishing Release
1 in September this year. Release 1 will solve the problem of fragmentation within the market by standardizing an IPTV framework, enabling a 'plug and play' experience for the end-user and, by ensuring interoperability, will make IPTV independent of the technology behind it."

Источник: FierceIPTV

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