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Global Goings On For KVH + ViaSat

07 июля 2008

KVH Industries has a new agreement with ViaSat to start the global rollout of the mini-VSAT Broadband satellite communications service.

Together with the compact 24-inch (60 cm) KVH TracPhone V7 antenna, the mini-VSAT Broadband service is already offering regional Voice over IP telephone service and Internet access as fast as 512 Kbps (upload) and 2 Mbps (download) at fixed monthly rates to mariners throughout North America, the Caribbean, the North Atlantic, and Europe. Under this agreement, KVH and ViaSat are planning to roll out an exclusive global network offering access to KVH's mini-VSAT Broadband service for maritime use with airtime revenue to be shared between the two companies. As part of the coverage expansion, KVH has agreed to acquire satellite capacity from Ku-band satellite operators as well as purchase three new regional satellite hubs from ViaSat. These hubs will use ViaSat's ArcLight spread spectrum mobile broadband technology and be operated by ViaSat. As the rollout continues, either KVH or ViaSat will work to establish additional regional hubs and satellite capacity. Over the course of the 10-year agreement, KVH and ViaSat also expect to implement future enhancements to the mini-VSAT Broadband spread spectrum maritime services and related products.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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