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Thuraya Says Stream Away With New Offering

18 июля 2008

A new A-5 sized, 444 kbps broadband terminal, with advanced video streaming capability has debuted from Thuraya.

The new terminal, among the smallest in the satellite broadband category, is highly efficient for its size in terms of speed offering and video streaming capability. The ThurayaIP service is offered in various monthly fee packages with limited and unlimited usages, depending on customer needs. The product is aimed at key market segments such as oil and gas, NGOs, government, coastguards, maritime, media (SNG), transport and business continuity purposes. Developed by Hughes Network Systems LLC, ThurayaIP has a built-in antenna which provides a rapid, maximum reception speed of 444 Kbps and a maximum transmission speed of 202 Kbps. The terminal supports fine tuned video streaming using dedicated channels at a speed of 384 Kbps. Thuraya has already signed specialized Service Providers in the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, and Europe to promote and distribute the new product, which is currently available through the company's distribution channels.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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