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New research shows data services growth

31 июля 2008

Enterprise mobility specialist Dexterra is calling for mobile operators to step up their focus on delivering data services for businesses, following new research from Informa revealing that revenues from mobile data services are set to exceed USD 200 billion in 2008 for the first time.

Informa’s “Telecoms & Media's World Cellular Data Metrics” report suggests that mobile operators now generate approximately one fifth of their revenue from data services. Despite this, Dexterra argues that given the saturation of the voice market, mobile operators must still place more emphasis on data services in order to drive growth, reduce churn and increase the average revenue per user/unit (ARPU).

Over the long haul, a rich portfolio of high-value data services promises to be a more lucrative strategy for mobile operators; however, implementing and managing the platforms and processes necessary to effectively deliver data services can be a formidable challenge. According to Dexterra, existing offerings promoting internet and email use – for example, amongst mobile workers – have quickly become commoditised. Operators are not doing enough to differentiate themselves in this market, and consequently, they risk being perceived as being a ‘dumb pipe’ – a means to deliver data from point-to-point without the perception of any additional value.

“Operators must capitalise on their broad market reach and incumbent customer base to promote and deliver high-value and unique application services – either bundled with existing data offerings or delivered as an incremental data plan for their current and potential customers,” said Benjamin Wesson, VP product management at Dexterra. “History has shown that as users adopt and rely on value-added services, especially ones that are identifiably unique, they are reluctant to churn, and in many cases are more willing to pay the going rate for the services they depend on.”

In the
UK, Vodafone has executed this strategy using Dexterra’s mobile application delivery platform. Working together, Vodafone and Dexterra have implemented the world’s first in-network application delivery and management platform that enables Vodafone to provision, manage and bill-for mobile applications on its network. Vodafone can access a ready supply of mobile applications through Dexterra and its wide network of independent application developers. Ultimately, the operator can now present mobile applications as complete products, bundled with data usage, as one service, tying the value of the data to the application functionality, rather than the price.

“Mobile operators who partner with Dexterra are able to go beyond price differentiation and actually create tailored applications designed for specific business markets,” continued Wesson. “This will enable users to experience an ever-increasing supply of applications available as a hosted service, creating a winning business model that benefits software developers, end users, and the operators themselves.”

Источник: Total Telecom

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