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Getting started with Web 2.0

04 августа 2008

Those of us who are immersed in technology sometimes tend forget that just because we eat and sleep this stuff, doesn't mean that everyone else is so involved. Web 2.0 is a good example of this.

While the term gets bandied about a lot, there are still many people who have no idea what it means, much less how to apply it to the enterprise to build an advanced knowledge-sharing environment. That's why Jay Deragon's post last week on Content Management Connection is so relevant. It acknowledges that many people still don't understand this stuff and that's OK; the post goes even further by providing a great video called Social Media in Plain English that explains Web 2.0 in a simple way without being condescending. He also offers a list of questions (written by Gino Cosme) to ask when thinking about introducing Web 2.0 into a business setting. While these questions are geared toward using Web 2.0 as a marketing tool, they are relevant to any company wanting to head down the road of internal collaboration and knowledge sharing. If your company hasn't started exploring Web 2.0 tools, and if you don't know where to begin, this post is an excellent starting point.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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