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SeaMobile Lets You See Your Programs At Sea

13 августа 2008

This is vacation time for most people, and those fortunate enough to go on a cruise may enjoy an added bonus from Wave Entertainment Network, a division of SeaMobile Enterprises.

The company's top-tier IPTV television platform, available to the cruise line industry worldwide, is expanding their lineup that includes linear and on-demand programming services from major media companies such as; A&E Networks, CBS, Comcast, Cox Communications, Discovery Networks, Fox Cable, Fox News, NBC Universal, Twentieth Century Fox Studios and Viacom. By offering a premier selection of news, sports, movies, music and other entertainment from a broad array of content providers, cruise lines that carry the Wave programming can deliver television that appeals to all ages and demographics.

In addition, cruise line guests who are sailing in the
Mediterranean are able to view television programs in a variety of different languages from the top European providers, including Euronews, BBC News, BBC Prime, France 24, TV5 Monde, RAI International, RAI News 24, DW TV, ARD, and TVE International.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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