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Covergence Kit Lets Microsoft, IBM UC Offerings Coexist

19 августа 2008

Covergence has gone to market with a gateway it says enables incompatible Microsoft and IBM unified communications (UC) solutions to talk to each other.

The new offering, called the Covergence Collaboration Gateway (CCG), hits market with pricing as low as $1 per user per month, depending on contract length and number of users. CCG supports interoperability between Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Live Communications Server 2005 (OCS/LCS), and IBM Lotus Sametime versions 6.5, 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0. CCG allows users from different organizations - and even from different companies - to work together "as if they were served by the same UC platform," the company says.

Ideally, a company would be using just one or the other of the two but, in the real world, that's not what always happens. Reasons for such situations, according to Covergence, include situations in which UC products have been purchased at the department level with no thought towards a corporate standard. In other cases, it says, enterprises "have been left with fractured implementations" due to corporate mergers or acquisitions.

"Converting to an enterprise-wide, single-vendor UC solution can be an expensive, lengthy and sometimes impractical proposition," says Covergence President and CEO Jim Moran. "We've listened to the pain points of the early adopters who are looking to capitalize on the promise of unified communications, and we can now offer some relief. By offering interoperability on a subscription pricing model, our customers are in control of their migration path and timeline."

Among features supported are shared presence information and instant messaging. Administrators can define and enforce policies on cross-domain traffic. Basically, the way CCG works is that it examines and reformats voice packets, to/from Lotus Domino and Microsoft Active formats. It also translates SIP SIMPLE signaling streams and PIDF presence documents between Microsoft and IBM formats.

Источник: http://communicationsdirectnews.com

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