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You need to think about mobile content management

08 сентября 2008

If you think mobile content management is one of those things you can put off for a while, think again.

Insight Research released a report called Content Management for Wireless Networks, 2008-2013 in which it predicted related industries such as game publishers, broadcasters and so forth, would spend more than $8 billion on mobile content management tools in 2008 alone. That means CMS vendors need to be looking at the unique needs of mobile content, and content producers have to be thinking about how to exploit the mobile space.


Insight Research president, Richard Rosenberg believes today's tools let you peg content to specific devices, but he envisions CMS tools in the years to come will only have to be written once (and will be able to be reused many times). In the future, the CMS will do the heavy lifting, formatting content for a given device on the fly. "What is truly needed, however, and what we expect to see emerge over the next few years, are tools that unlock the value of content in the digital age by formatting and managing content for device-independence...," Rosenberg said. It's clear that as more people get devices like the iPhone, web traffic will shift dramatically to phones and other hand-held devices; companies need to be looking for ways to exploit this.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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