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Industry urged to take action on IP, TDM interoperability

25 сентября 2008

Telecoms companies must help regulators sort out the problem of interoperability between VoIP and TDM networks, and different IP platforms, by coming together to create a suggested minimum set of requirements, said Ian Thomas, director of partner services at Cable & Wireless, in London on Tuesday.

"Of course you will still want to have your own thing that no one else has, but then you can build that on top," he told delegates at this year's Carriers World event.

Cable & Wireless is currently migrating from a TDM to an IP platform, but according to Thomas, this will be a very gradual process, as "the cost of migrating is very high".

However, he expects operating costs to fall by at least 18% as migration to IP occurs.

"As you start dropping TDM, savings can go up to 22%. So it is a significant saving," Thomas said.

The telco will retain its TDM network, but will start switching of parts of it as demand wanes. And it will "ramp up IP capacity as it is needed," he added. "It will be like a see-saw."

Cable & Wireless expects IP traffic to start winning the majority race against TDM in about four years. When the telco reaches the point at which it becomes too expensive to maintain its TDM network, it will be switched off.

It's about weighing up the cost of the "promised nirvana" of only flexible, all-IP, next-generation networks, versus the cost of getting there, Thomas said.

According to Andrey Anikin, commercial director at software and billing solutions provider Telejet, VoIP is "turning into a solid technology," and it is easy to expand capacity.

With TDM "the picture is not so shiny, you have quality, but a number of limitations," he said.

"Scalability can get quite expensive, and routing is quite limited."

As it stands though, wholesale carriers have to deal with both TDM and VoIP, and with various different routing and complicated billing systems, since many players invested in TDM networks and they want to get their money's worth, Anikin said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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