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Half of top websites not optimized for mobile

06 ноября 2008

Half of Nielsen Online's top 20 most trafficked websites are not optimized for mobile devices, despite the fact that mobile web users now account for an average of 5 percent of all site visitors, according to a new survey conducted by mobile web solutions provider Bango.

The survey reports that websites are not keeping pace with mobile browsing trends, with many websites admitting to Bango they do not even know how much mobile-originated traffic hits their sites--Bango's own research suggests mobile web surfers now account for anywhere between 3 percent and 10 percent of all site traffic.

Bango's response: Analytics for PCs, a new plug-in tool that measures the actual number of mobile users hitting a PC-based website and offers detailed metrics including the percentage of mobile traffic as a unique visitor count plus the country, network and device mobile users connect through. According to Bango, after the webmaster puts a line of code into the home page of the website, Analytics for PCs begins measuring unique mobile visitors, with all data viewable in real-time via the Bango Management tools console.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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14.01 8:04 Алексей Иванов:
Очень даже интересно. В особенности первое.
27.11 19:46 Артем Евсеев:
Привет! А можно ли ссылочками с вами обменяться?
16.01 15:50 кoшмap:
Я конечно в этом не особо разбираюсь, но после вашего поста стал гораздо больше понимать. Благодарствую :)
13.03 0:05 Игорь Меньшиков:
Согласен с автором . У меня такое же мнение :)