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Emerging Markets Drag Down Global Handset Growth Rate

07 ноября 2008

According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, global mobile handset shipments grew a disappointing 5 percent year-over-year, to reach 303 million units in Q3 2008. A marked slowdown in sales to emerging markets caused the industry’s weakest growth rate since 2002.

Bonny Joy, Analyst at Strategy Analytics said, “Global handset shipments rose 5 percent annually, to 303 million units during Q3 2008. This was the industry’s weakest growth rate since Q4 2002. After a buoyant first half of the year, demand has slowed suddenly in emerging markets due to weaker consumer sentiment and concerns about the economic outlook.”

Neil Mawston, Director at Strategy Analytics, added, “Four of the top 6 handset vendors registered global annual growth rates of 5 percent or less in Q3 2008. Nokia, Samsung and LG all reported sluggish sales in major developing regions such as China, India, Russia and South America. As expected, developed markets remained flat, but emerging markets slowed unexpectedly and this dragged down the overall growth rate.”

The report also noted that Apple’s global handset shipments surged an impressive 516 percent annually, to reach 6.9 million units in Q3 2008. Apple overtook RIM to become the world’s sixth largest vendor, while Motorola shipped a lower-than-expected 25.4 million handsets in Q3 2008. Sony Ericsson overtook Motorola to become the world’s third largest handset vendor for the first time since Sony Ericsson was formed in 2001.

Источник: Cellular news

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