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EU curtails plans for telecom regulation

10 ноября 2008

European Union regulators on Friday unveiled a compromise on a controversial telecommunications overhaul.

The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, agreed to create a pan-European telecommunications regulator that is far smaller and less powerful than initially proposed. The body would have competence over only telecom regulation, with no oversight of spectrum or network security.

The telecom package, which is aimed at unifying the patchwork of individual European regulations and boosting competition, has faced resistance from both the European Parliament and the European telecommunications council, made up of EU telecom ministers.

As a result, the commission, which originally wanted broader powers for the new body, is now pushing for a compromise, incorporating the main points of contention flagged by the parliament and the telecom council.

The commission said it will give national regulators a major role in the management of the newly created body: They will appoint its managing director and half of its staff.

The commission also proposes that any new measures put forth by national regulators with regard to their national markets should be vetted both by the commission and the new body to ensure that they don't hamper Europe-wide competition.

The commission has agreed it should be left to the national regulators to decide whether they want to force their national incumbents to separate telephone networks from services operations to enhance competition.

In the area of radio-spectrum allocation, the commission can continue to propose policy changes, but those will still have to be approved by EU ministers and the parliament.

EU ministers will discuss the new proposal later this month, the commission said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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