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Orascom Telecom Algeria (OTA) puts the customer first with unified data management solution

12 ноября 2008

Orascom Telecom Algeria (OTA), the country’s leading mobile operator has announced that Nokia Siemens Networks will be the provider of its Home Location Register (HLR) solution. Nokia Siemens Networks will modernize the installed base of 17 million subscribers as well as provide additional capacity of 3 million. 

The Subscriber Data Management Solution from Nokia Siemens Networks will enable OTA to develop a single database for subscriber information, unifying data that is currently fragmented and giving the operator genuine customer insight. 


OTA will consequently be able to move towards smart, subscriber-centric operations, which will reduce time-to-market for service deployment, supporting multiple applications and allowing the operator to be proactive in its approach to customer support and care. The solution is also expected to generate significant capital and operating expenditure savings for OTA.


With the deployment already finished and the migration underway, the new capacity will go live by 2009 while the migration of the current installed base is foreseen for the year end. 


The current deal, which includes the maintenance of mobile subscribers’ permanent information for call processing, strengthens Nokia Siemens Networks’ relationship with OTA, which stretches back to 2002, when it has become a key supplier of radio access and microwave equipment.


Commenting on the deal, Tamer El Mahdy, CEO, Orascom Telecom Algeria, said: “We needed a partner who could help us further upgrade and modernize our core equipment. Nokia Siemens Networks’ strong technical solution, reliable support and partnership as well as their competent local setup clinched the deal in their favor.”


El Mahdy added “The decision to go for Nokia Siemens Networks’ leading subscriber database solution, based on Apertio platforms, puts us in control of our most valuable asset – customer data. It opens the network to innovation application using valuable customer insight.“ 


Dirk Lewandowski, Head of “Orascom” Customer Business Team for Nokia Siemens Networks added “We were able to showcase the benefits of a unified architecture HLR solution, that not only provided increased efficiencies in the network but also significant cost savings. Thus, while OTA already had a vendor in charge of this critical aspect of their core business, they decided to switch and go with us all the way.”


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