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German IT, telecom industry wants govt investment in infrastructure

21 ноября 2008

The German information technology and telecommunication industry called Thursday for government investment in infastructure and less regulation.

Industry association Bitkom's President August-Wilhelm Scheer said the IT and telecommunication companies aren't in need of the government providing protective shields. However, in the current economic downturn the public sector should give up its hesitance to invest in telecommunication and IT infrastructure.

Scheer said the government should invest around EUR8 billion to upgrade IT and telecommunication systems.

Scheer, who is founder and chairman of the supervisory board of IDS Scheer AG, made his remarks at the Third National IT summit, organized by the ministry of economics.

According to a poll commissioned by Bitkom 72% of the sector's companies don't feel any impact of the current crisis, but, uncertainty for the next months is growing.

Scheer also said the industry wants less regulation to stimulate investment in broadband networks.

Deutsche Telekom AG's chief executive Rene Obermann also said he wants less regulation to make investments in broadband networks more attractive.

Economic Minister Michael Glos said he supports the plan to use frequencies, originally needed for TV and radio broadcasting, to provide broadband access in remote areas of Germany.

Источник: Total Telecom

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