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British weather drives mobile Internet usage

25 ноября 2008

Use of the mobile Internet is on the up in the U.K., driven by, among other things, the need for up-to-the-minute information about the weather.

BBC Weather was the third most accessed mobile Internet site in the U.K. in the third quarter of 2008, with 1.5 million users per month, according to the latest figures from Nielsen Online.

That means 21% of all
U.K. mobile Internet users accessed the site, a greater percentage than the number of fixed Internet users accessing the fixed version of BBC Weather.

There were 7.3 million mobile Internet users in Q3, up 25% from 5.8 million in the second quarter.
Fixed Internet users rose to 35.3 million from 34.3 million during the same period.

"The fact that... weather, sports, news and email sites make up the majority of leading mobile sites show[s] that mobile Internet is mainly about functionality and need at the moment, as opposed to the more entertainment and ecommerce-focused make-up of the leading PC-based sites," said Nielsen senior analyst Kent Ferguson, in a statement.

Only BBC News and Google scored higher than BBC Weather in the mobile space, with 1.7 million users each per month last quarter.

Email and social networking sites are also among the mostly widely used on the mobile.

Facebook came in in fourth place in Nielsen's ranking with 1.5 million monthly users, followed by Hotmail with 1 million.
Yahoo Mail and Gmail also made the top 10, clocking up 0.9 million and 0.6 million users respectively.

BBC Sport and Sky Sports featured too, as did online auction site eBay.

Unsurprisingly, Nielsen also found that the mobile Internet has a higher concentration of young users than the fixed Internet.

A full 25% of mobile Internet users fall into the 15 to 24 age group, compared with 16% in the fixed space. And 74% of mobile Internet users are under 45, while the age spread on the fixed side is much more even.

Источник: Total Telecom

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