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Microsoft denies plans to launch branded smartphone

27 ноября 2008

Contrary to rampant market speculation, software giant Microsoft Corp. has no plans to launch a branded mobile smartphone, a person familiar with the company's thinking said Tuesday.

"It's clearly not Microsoft's strategy to make phone hardware," the person said."Our core competency is creating an operating system and a set of services that enable our partners to produce great phones."

Earlier Tuesday, a research note from Canaccord Adams suggested the company was readying a smartphone based on hardware from Nvidia Corp., which would possibly incorporate Microsoft's Zune music device. Such a product would compete directly with Apple Inc.'s iPhone.

The Canaccord Adams report speculated that the device would be launched at a mobile phone conference next year.

Such a plan would put Microsoft directly into competition with many of its big clients. The software company makes mobile phone operating systems that are used by a number of handset makers.

On Tuesday, Microsoft shares fell 3.4% to $19.99.

Источник: Total Telecom

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