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Jordan to get 3G services in 2009

28 ноября 2008

Jordan's telecoms regulator this week unveiled details of the country's forthcoming 3G licensing process, which should see 3G mobile services rolled out next year.

The Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRC) announced on Wednesday that it will open the tender process for one 3G licence in mid-December. The deadline for the submission of bids is set for the last week in January, and the winner will be announced that same week.

The contest will be open to existing telecoms players and new entrants.

"TRC would reasonably expect that services will be available within one year of the grant of the first licence," the regulator said in a statement, adding that licence conditions will include rollout obligations for
Jordan's major cities.

The regulator will impose a 10-month "separation period" following the award of the first licence, after which the country's incumbent operators - or those that did not win the first licence – will each be offered 10 MHz of 3G frequency at a price equal to that of the winning bid.

The reserve price for the first licence is set at 25 million dinars (US$35 million) for 5 MHz of paired spectrum; interested parties may bid for up to 20 MHz of paired spectrum.

The winner of the first licence and the incumbent operators will also be offered the opportunity to acquire 2G spectrum separately, at a cost of 130% of the winning 3G bid price.
The reserve price for 2G spectrum consequently stands at 32.5 million dinars ($46 million) for a 5-MHz pair.

The TRC added that it will lobby the Council of Ministers for a four-year exemption from customs duties for the companies that acquire 3G spectrum and any new player that acquires 2G spectrum.

According to figures released by the regulator in August, there were 4.77 million mobile subscribers in
Jordan at the end of last year, up from 4.34 million 12 months earlier, giving penetration of 83%. France Telecom-owned Jordan Telecom and Kuwait's Zain are the largest mobile operators in Jordan, while Batelco venture Umniah also offers services.

Источник: Total Telecom

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