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China Mobile plans to launch Android 3G phone

11 января 2009

China Mobile Ltd. plans to launch a third-generation handset using Google Inc.'s Android platform in the first quarter.

The handset, named "OPhone", will be the first phone in China that features Google's Android operating system, and will use China's homegrown 3G mobile network.

China Mobile spokeswoman Rainie Lei reiterated Friday the company has been in talks with Google on using the open mobile platform, but the companies haven't reached agreement.

's HTC Corp. launched the world's first Android-powered smartphone for T-Mobile USA in September.

HTC Asia Vice President Jack Tong said the company hasn't heard about China Mobile's requirement for an Android-powered mobile phone.

Tong said if China Mobile makes a tender for Android-powered handsets, HTC would be keen on getting the order.

Источник: Total Telecom

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