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TeleMessage signs Russian text-to-landline deal

22 января 2009

Messaging International PLC, a messaging services provider, Wednesday said its subsidiary has signed a deal to launch a text-to-landline service in Russia.

In a statement, the company said its subsidiary TeleMessage Ltd. has signed a deal with Uralsviazinform, the largest provider of telecommunications services in the Ural region.

The company didn't provide details on how much the deal was worth.

The agreement will allow Uralsviazinform subscribers to send a text message from a wireless phone to any landline phone in the Ural region.

The message is converted to a voice message for the recipient, who can then respond by voice to the wireless customer, who will get the reply message in the form of a text.

The company said Uralsviazinform is considered one of the four leading mobile operators in

Messaging International Chief Executive Guy Levit said the text-to-landline service is a way the company can increase customer loyalty.

He added:"Importantly, TeleMessage will gain exposure and recognition in the rapidly expanding Russian telecommunications market."

Источник: Total Telecom

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