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Michael Dell sees surprisingly fast mobile growth

11 октября 2007

The move to notebook personal computers and mobile devices from desktop machines is happening faster than expected, especially in emerging markets, Dell Inc Chairman Michael Dell said.

Michael Dell sees surprisingly fast mobile growth"The transition to notebooks, mobility has been faster than even the esteemed analysts at Gartner predicted," Dell said at a conference organized by technology research firm Gartner.

"I think it's going to continue," Dell said. "The other X factor in this - emerging markets have been going to mobile at a faster rate than anyone anticipated, and you have also this global boom in the economy, particularly out of the U.S., fueled by small business and consumers who are gobbling up notebooks, so a big priority for us and a big change in how the market is shaped," he said.

Notebook personal computers have become more powerful and the ability to connect to the Internet and private networks has been improving, thanks to a variety of technologies. Personal devices have also been proliferating, even in emerging economies.

Gartner in late September said that mobile PCs were driving growth for the personal computer market, helped by low prices and wireless access. The firm predicted overall that emerging markets would average 18.6 percent growth this year, compared with 7.0 percent unit growth for PCs in mature markets.

Источник: Reuters

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