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Nokia Siemens Networks expands its success in subscriber data management

19 февраля 2009

NSN took an important strategic step to ensure a more enriched customer experience with the 140-million-euro acquisition of UK startup Apertio, announced at last year’s Mobile World Congress. Since then, the move has reaped benefits for Nokia Siemens Networks and its customers by accelerating the rollout of its industry leading real-time subscriber data platform and applications to new customers. 

Subscriber Data Management takes off as an important market trend. Since the acquisition of Apertio, Nokia Siemens Networks has almost doubled the customer base for its Subscriber Data Management (SDM) solution to more than 60 of the world’s most innovative operators. In the last six months of 2008 alone, Nokia Siemens Networks concluded 23 new SDM deals, highlighting the rapid adoption of the real-time database technology pioneered by Apertio. 


“Our SDM business is on a clear trajectory for even greater success,” says Jürgen Walter, Head of Converged Core, Nokia Siemens Networks. “The market opportunity for SDM solutions is absolutely huge, and they have proven to be an excellent basis for providing communication services providers with the most advanced means to consolidate and leverage their most valuable asset – their customer data. The open architecture of our solutions enables an ecosystem of a wide range of applications not only from Nokia Siemens Networks, but also from 3rd parties, which perfectly suits the needs of our customers .“ 


Nokia Siemens Networks can count among its SDM customers, in more than 40 countries, many of the world’s largest operators, including AIS Thailand, Orascom, Qatar Telecom, Sprint, Telecom Algeria, Telus, T-Mobile Austria, and T-Mobile Germany. 


In total the solution is serving over 700 million SDM subscribers globally, including some of the world’s largest capacity deployments – five serving over 40 million subscribers each and one with in excess of 55 million subscribers.


Nokia Siemens Networks’ SDM customers can benefit from CAPEX and OPEX reductions brought about by the consolidation of subscriber data into one centralized database, along with a reduction in time-to-market for the provision of new services. Furthermore, they can utilize real customer insights to improve customer service and experience, as well as develop a rich ecosystem of applications and innovative new business models.


The expanded SDM portfolio now extends across mobility, policy, identity and customer insight solutions and is further strengthened by Nokia Siemens Networks’ comprehensive services capability to provide the most complete Subscriber Data Management offering in the market today.

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