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Deutsche Telekom to combine German operations

26 февраля 2009

Telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom AG is set to combine its German mobile and fixed-line operations into one management board section.

The supervisory board will vote on the move Thursday, reports daily Handelsblatt in an advance of its Wednesday edition, citing sources close to the company.

A Deutsche Telekom spokesman declined to comment when contacted by Dow Jones Newswires.

One board member will now be responsible for the German fixed-line and mobile businesses, writes Financial Times Deutschland in an advance of its Wednesday edition.

The restructuring accompanies the presumedly certain appointment of board member Timotheus Hoettges to the position of chief financial officer to succeed Karl-Gerhard Eick, writes FTD.

Hoettges' current responsibilities include T-Home, in which Deutsche Telekom bundles all of its telephony and broadband offers in
Germany, as well as the entire sales and service forces for the two consumer business brands T-Mobile and T-Home in Germany, according to the Telekom Web site.

Источник: Total Telecom

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