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Yahoo chief marketing officer latest exec to leave

22 октября 2007

Yahoo Inc confirmed on Friday that Chief Marketing Officer Cammie Dunaway, a member of the Internet media company's executive team, was leaving the company, effective November 2.

Yahoo chief marketing officer latest exec to leaveAs part of a series of restructuring moves over the past year, nearly half of the 15-member top executive team at Yahoo have either taken new roles or left the company. Co-founder Jerry Yang took over as chief executive of Yahoo in June.

Dunaway was in charge of global brand marketing efforts for the company. Among the campaigns she organized was Yahoo's 2004 "Life Engine" corporate advertising campaign.

She was named as one of the 100 Top Marketers by
U.S. trade magazine Advertising Age.

"Cammie has strengthened the marketing function and built a strong bench of creative talent," Yahoo said in a statement. "We wish her all the best in her future endeavors and thank her for her leadership."

Yahoo did not give further details on her departure.

Prior to joining the Sunnyvale, California-based company in 2003, Dunaway spent 13 years at PepsiCo unit Frito-Lay, supervising brands such as Doritos, Cheetos, Lays, Ruffles and Rold Gold Pretzels. She serves on the board of directors of Brunswick Corp.

Blog AllThingsD reported the departure on Friday. A second blog, ValleyWag, reported she was headed for a new job at an unnamed company to be announced next week.

"Although Dunaway 'can't share specifics' about her new position until next week, she states that it is 'a natural fit for someone who loves driving profitable revenue for big, well-loved consumer brands and can't pass up the opportunity to be the coolest Mom in the universe,'" ValleyWag wrote.

Источник: Reuters

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