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New ABI Research Finds WiMAX Remains Extremely Viable

13 марта 2009

Any reader who believes all of the recent headlines would feel confident that the WiMAX market is being crushed by LTE.

Nortel has left the WiMAX market and Alcatel-Lucent has “backed off” from WiMAX; and these developments supposedly dealt a blow to Clearwire, which had so far chosen neither as an infrastructure vendor. But that’s not quite the whole story.

Nortel exited the mobile WiMAX market because it failed to become competitive and win any significant business. Nortel is staying in the fixed WiMAX market. Alcatel-Lucent didn’t really back away from mobile WiMAX, but rather views it more as a wireless broadband solution than a fully mobile wireless solution. Alcatel-Lucent moved R&D spending from WiMAX to LTE as WiMAX is productized, while LTE is just starting to develop. The lines are very blurred between fixed/portable use of mobile WiMAX and fixed/portable/mobile use of mobile WiMAX. Many deployments will start with fixed and portable services first and may evolve to fully mobile use later.

WiMAX has many growth opportunities beyond traditional mobile operator networks, including data-centric deployments in both developed and developing regions. ABI Research’s new study “WiMAX Market Analysis and Forecasts” examines major drivers and barriers for WiMAX and the potential for mobile WiMAX devices and services. The report contains forecast sets for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e-2005. Detailed segmentation is provided for mobile WiMAX devices, including external adapters, miniCards inside laptops, netbooks and MIDs, handsets, and consumer electronics.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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