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Fifty-four percent say they don't want or need mobile video

26 марта 2009

Seventy nine percent of subscribers still use their mobile phones primarily as a channel to communicate via voice, text and email, with 54 percent indicating their don't want or need mobile video services, according to a new consumer study issued by global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing firm Accenture. Fourteen percent of users surveyed contend mobile services are too expensive, and 9 percent add that video-enabled handsets are too expensive as well.

When asked if the availability of mobile content would drive them to upgrade their mobile data plan to include video services, 70 percent replied "to a very little extent."

Other findings of the Accenture report:

  • The percentage of consumers watching video on a mobile phone rose from 12 percent in late 2007 to 14 percent in late 2008.
  • The percentage of consumers accessing the mobile web rose from 8 percent in 2007 to 23 percent in 2008.
  • About a third of respondents indicate web browsing is one of their top three favorite mobile applications.
  • Almost 25 percent indicate listening to music on their mobile phone browsing is one of their top three favorite mobile applications.

Although consumers are reluctant to embrace multimedia on their mobile phones, Accenture reports a growing number of respondents are embracing new forms of digital entertainment: Baby Boomers ages 45 and up are increasingly playing videogames on the go and listening to music via MP3 player, although they remain far behind Generation Y in actual usage. In addition, Boomers are adapting to new digital platforms like blogging, social networking and Internet video, but remain far behind younger generations.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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