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Jordan issues 3G tender

01 апреля 2009

Jordan's telecom regulator has once again begun the process of auctioning the country's first 3G licence.

The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) has set the minimum bid price of 25 million Jordanian dinars (£24.73 million) for a paired 5 MHz of spectrum in the 2100-MHz band.

"A public tender to grant the first 3G frequencies licence was floated Monday and competition will be open to incumbent operators and other companies in the sector," commented Ahmad Hiayasat, chief commissioner at the TRC, in a report by the Jordan Times.

He said the regulator has received inquiries from a number of regional operators, although only one licence will be issued.

Hiayasat said if the auction goes ahead on schedule then people across Jordan will be able to access 3G services including high-speed mobile data services and video telephony by the end of the year.

Details of the tender process were originally published in November last year with a view to closing the auction by the end of January.

However, the tender was postponed in December after potential bidders Orange, Kuwait-based Zain and iDEN operator Xpress Mobile, submitted letters requesting extra time after the holiday season to complete their respective business plans.

The TRC has set a new deadline of 26 May for submitting bids. The winner will be announced the following day, with a view to issuing the licence by the end of June.

Hiayasat said the government is expecting 3G services to generate annual revenues of JD150 million (£147.98 million).

Источник: Total Telecom

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