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Automated remote asset tracking exploits mobile networks

07 апреля 2009

Canadian start-up pioneers innovative ‘machine-to-machine’ services using Nokia Siemens Networks’ Subscriber Data Management platform.

iMetrik, a Canadian start-up, plans to provide automated remote asset tracking across existing mobile networks. The innovative machine-to-machine (M2M) services will be powered by Nokia Siemens Networks subscriber data management platform. 


iMetrik’s services use simple mobile radio devices attached to valuable assets to provide instant updates, via cellular networks, to any number of asset tracking databases, people or remote billing and payment systems.


Initial applications involve using the iMetrik service to cost-effectively track vehicles. This includes a distance tracking facility to enable pay-as-you-drive car rental schemes; delinquency management, which reduces credit risk and aids the repossession of vehicles; and security and surveillance, which helps trucking, insurance and rental companies safeguard their investments. 


To effectively manage remote asset data and link it to the relevant customers, iMetrik has chosen Nokia Siemens Networks to supply its Subscriber Data Management platform, including the Home Location Register (HLR). This allows iMetrik to efficiently use open, consolidated subscriber information when developing its services.


By using Nokia Siemens Networks’ Subscriber Data Management platform, iMetrik is able to deliver its M2M communication services across continents with a single global SIM card and a single invoice for its customers, while creating new data revenue streams for mobile network operators.


For example, a car rental agency can use M2M applications developed by iMetrik to offer reduced rates based on restricting the car’s usage to a limited driving area. iMetrik applications can check with the agency’s database, based on Nokia Siemens Networks’ HLR, to check the details of the auto insurance purchased by the renter and verify whether the vehicle is covered in its current location. Because this happen in real-time, the rental agency and the driver can both be instantly notified if the driver strays outside the coverage area.


By combining rich subscriber data and real-time processing in this way, iMetrik can develop innovative applications and services that generate new revenue streams, while reducing customer costs.


“When you consider that any type of stationary or moving equipment around the world can be accessed from a mobile phone or an Internet connection, the potential of converting previously dumb machinery into veritable information nodes is huge,” said Guy Chevrette, CEO, iMetrik. “As an innovator in this space, we are partnering with the leaders in gathering subscriber information to provide differentiated services that have both a technical and cost advantage compared to what is already available.”


“We bring a cost advantage because our highly distributed software architecture enables efficient operation at a fraction of the cost of traditional HLR systems,” said W. Stuart Jones, Head of America Sales, Subscriber Data Management, Nokia Siemens Networks. “Not only that, but it is scalable, reliable and feature rich, providing economical, yet high performance allowing iMetrik to differentiate itself in a market that has been held back so far due to the high investments involved.”


Nokia Siemens Networks’ industry leading subscriber data management solution, based on open, real-time platforms, puts operators in control of their most valuable asset – subscriber data. It opens the network to innovation, providing value-added customer insight and is widely supported by the industry’s leading application vendors. Nokia Siemens Networks’ SDM platforms have been deployed by more than 60 operators, serving over 700 million subscribers worldwide. 


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