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MySpace users turn movie moguls

01 ноября 2007

A British film project has turned MySpace users into movie moguls, giving them a say in choosing the director, cast, soundtrack and marketing model.

MySpace users turn movie mogulsWhile online interaction between fans and film makers is not new, the backers of "Faintheart" say they take the phenomenon further, and believe the Internet will become increasingly important to Hollywood and the movie world in general.

Film4's Peter Carlton, one of the producers of "Faintheart", said audiences tended to be cut off from movie making, and that the film industry had lessons to learn from rock groups who have harnessed the Internet to develop a fan base and sell music.

"We learned a lot from British music, which has reinvigorated itself partly through the Internet and also simply by playing gigs at local colleges," Carlton told Reuters.

"This is our equivalent of the college circuit -- to find out if we get booed off at the first test run."

Carlton described "Faintheart" as "a fairly standard rom-com with a lovely Viking twist". Set in the world of battle re-enactments, Richard the "weekend warrior" sets out to win back his wife after she leaves him, branding him childish.

More than 800 directors submitted short films over the Internet, which were whittled down to a shortlist of 12. A panel including actress Sienna Miller chose three finalists, and MySpace users voted for the winner, Vito Rocco.

"Anyone who loves movies and interactivity will be fascinated to get involved in this pioneering film," said Rocco, who began shooting the picture last week.

The sponsors, including social networking site MySpace, provided one million pounds ($2 million) to fund it, and it will be released in early 2008.

Источник: Reuters

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