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Telenor asks Moscow court to hold off deadline on $1.7bn claim

08 апреля 2009

Norwegian telecoms company Telenor ASA said it has asked a Moscow court to delay collecting $1.7 billion in damages that Russian authorities sought Friday.

Russian authorities gave Telenor a five-day deadline to pay the damages, which relate to the ruling of a Siberian court.

Telenor is appealing the Siberian court ruling - with the hearing scheduled for May 26 - but under Russian law, Telenor can be made to pay damages before this appeal has been heard.

A spokeswoman for Telenor said the Moscow court has could take 10 days to decide whether the authorities acted lawfully in giving Telenor five days to pay.

Telenor has expressed fears that the bailiffs could try to sell OAO Vimpel Communications, a Russian mobile-phone company in which it has a 30% stake.

The Norwegian company fears that Russian bailiffs could try to sell this multibillion-dollar stake in lieu of the damages.

It described the damages as "attempt to steal with the aid of Russian courts," which it attributes to its Russian co-investor Alfa Group

Источник: Total Telecom

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