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Russians Offer Satellite Launches To North Korea — Disarmament Is The Reasoning

05 мая 2009

Russia is interested in hosting North Korean satellite launches, which is rather enlightening, given the worldwide condemnation of such a launch last month — another useless offer on the table in hopes of altering the North Korean mind set regarding nuclear weaponry.

According to Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, he is hopeful the proposal will be studied, after issuing his statement in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. According to Interfax, he added, "Such cooperation is carried out with the Republic of Korea, we are ready to carry out similar projects with North Korea." North Korea has already attempted a satellite launch using the ballistic missile-design Taepodong-2 rocket, in defiance of a 2006 United Nations Security Council ban against such efforts. The launch also ignored warnings from the United States, as the North Korean rocket had the wherewithal to reach Alaska and Hawaii. As is usually the case, the effectiveness of U.N. or U.S. warnings was plain for the world to see as the launch went forward and no repercussions resulted. There will continue to be brash activities by the North Koreans as the false bravado from ineffective institutions and government agencies seldom halts aggressive actions, regardless of the country involved.

Lavro added, "I hope no one will artificially try to rock the boat, moreover, to use it as a pretext for unleashing an arms race in the region, creating military blocs and stepping up missile defense plans." The Russian Foreign Minister's trip to South Korea was an attempt to bring the North Korean's back into nuclear disarmament talks, which produced the as-expected negative results — "North Korea is not ready to resume the six-party talks, but Russia hopes that our call to do this in Pyongyang has been heard," Lavrov stated. Yeah, right, that'll happen.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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