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Emerging mobile markets top investment potential tables

21 мая 2009

While the economic downturn initially led investors to prefer the safety of mature mobile markets over emerging regions, that trend has already been reversed, according to the latest edition of the Altimo Mobile Development Index.

And in a big positive for the industry as a whole, the index also showed that the mobile space remains one of the world's most attractive investment propositions against the backdrop of the economic situation.

The fifth edition of the bi-annual investment attractiveness index was published by the Russian investment vehicle Altimo Foundation on Wednesday.

Six months ago the fourth edition of the index showed that investors' initial response to the economic downturn was to turn to developed markets, which were perceived as a safer bet than riskier, but potentially more profitable, developing markets.

"Now [investors] are once again seeing the appeal of emerging markets, with their stronger opportunities for growth and profitability when compared to mature markets," Altimo said.

In the top five places in Altimo's latest ranking of mobile markets by investment attractiveness, covering Q4 2008 and Q1 2009, there is one newcomer compared with the previous version: Uzbekistan.

The market saw strong penetration growth and continued high profit margins, said Altimo, ranking Uzbekistan at number three.

The previous edition's top two, Indonesia and the Philippines, retained their positions, while Vietnam and Iran swapped places to come in fourth and fifth respectively.

Emerging market giants China and India are ranked sixth and seventh.

"The Asian telecom markets will remain attractive for at least the next three years and will grow strongly despite global economic turmoil," Altimo said.

"Although penetration growth dropped from 5.88% to 3.63% quarter on quarter in South East Asia, it remains a favourable place for investment."

Meanwhile, the European and North American markets that looked so promising six months ago now offer "bleak prospects" due to fierce competition and tight profit margins, Altimo said.

The fact that in terms of absolute mobile connections Eastern Europe is catching up to Western Europe – it has 445 million connections compared with its neighbour's 503 million – "highlights the maturity of the market in Western Europe and the poor outlook for investing in the region," the company added.

Altimo named Italy, which ranks 29th, as the strongest growth market in the region.


Источник: Total Telecom

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