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Google touts 'natural connection' between open source and ads

25 мая 2009

Advertising revenues remain the driving force behind Google's Android mobile operating system effort according to Andy Rubin, the web services giant's director of mobile platforms.

In an interview with CNet, Rubin--who co-founded software startup Android Inc., acquired by Google in July 2005--outlined the platform's role within the larger Google universe: "Google's business model is deep into advertising, and so for Google this is purely a scale of the business. We just want to reach more people, and hopefully they'll use Google and we'll get the upside of the advertising revenue. By the way, we're confident enough in our advertising business and our ability to help people find information that we don't somehow demand they use Google. If somebody wants to use Android to build a Yahoo phone, great."

According to Rubin, Android's revenues hinge on the Linux-based platform's open-source licensing approach. "Google has a great business model around advertising, and there's a natural connection between open source and the advertising business model," Rubin said. "Open source is basically a distribution strategy--it's completely eliminating the barrier to entry for adoption."

Rubin contends that by exerting total control over the device, rivals Apple and Palm are hampering innovation. "Controlling the whole device is great, (but) we're talking about 4 billion handsets. When you control the whole device the ability to innovate rapidly is pretty limited when it's coming from a single vendor," he said. "What we're talking about is getting out of a niche and giving people access to the Internet in the way they expect the Internet to be accessed. I don't want to create some derivative of the Internet, I don't want to just take a slice of the Internet, I don't want to be in the corner somewhere with some dumbed-down version of the Internet--I want to be on the Internet."

Rubin also touched on the scarcity of Android-powered devices. "It takes about 18 months to build a phone from end to end," he said. "What we wanted to do for our market entry was make sure that we had one successful showcase product to prove that the product was reliable and robust and ready to go. We chose HTC as our partner for that. At the moment we open-sourced, Nov. 7 [2007], that's when a lot of these guys got their hands on it. We're still in that 18-month window of building products, and what you'll see coming up is a whole string of products."

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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