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Verizon joins ‘cloud-computing’ bandwagon

04 июня 2009

Verizon Communications, the US telecommunications group, is entering the expanding market for hosted corporate pay-as-you-go computing services.

Verizon said its new ‘cloud computing’ service, designed to enable companies to access computing power and storage as required, will be immediately available to its corporate customers in the US and Europe, and will be rolled out to the Asia-Pacific region in August.

Mid-sized and large companies will be able to store their data and software on servers hosted by Verizon, eliminating the cost of maintaining computers on their own and adjust their computing requirements based on their needs through a web portal. Customers will pay a month for access to the service, plus a fee for usage.

”With Verizon CaaS (Computing as a Service), we are ushering in a new era of computing; one that offers enterprises security, resiliency and scalability on demand with a whole new level of flexibility and a low cost structure,” said Nancy Gofus, Verizon senior vice president - global product development.

New York-based Verizon, which operates one of the largest global IP (internet protocol) based networks, is the latest major international carrier to announce the launch a CaaS initiative. Verizon’s US-based rival, AT&T, announced a similar service last year.

Global telecommunications network operators believe hosted services like these could help offset slowing demand and falling process for more traditional corporate telecoms services including voice. In contrast, the market for corporate cloud computing-based services are expected to grow to $42.3bn worldwide in 2012 from $16.2bn last year, according to IDC, the research firm.


Источник: Financial Times

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