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Ericsson launches new mobile broadband module

05 июня 2009

Ericsson on Thursday launched its latest mobile broadband module aimed specifically at netbooks.

The Swedish equipment vendor said its F3307 runs on HSPA networks, and has been pre-approved for use with mobile operators in more than 75 countries, meaning netbook manufacturers can cut the product launch phase and speed up time to market for new devices.

The broadband module is embedded directly into the netbook at the manufacturing phase, rather than sold separately as a USB dongle.

Ericsson said the F3307 is also designed for low power consumption, putting less strain on a netbook's battery than older models.

"Netbooks are redefining the way consumers think about the Internet and mobile broadband," said Mats Norin, vice president of Ericsson's mobile broadband modules division, in a statement.

Ericsson predicts that more than 300 million netbooks will be sold between 2009 and 2014, with the vast majority having in-built mobile broadband capabilities.

"By coupling our cost-effective mobile broadband solution with the affordability of netbooks, Ericsson is bringing connectivity to the masses," he said.

The company said by 2011 it expects 30% of netbooks will be sold by mobile operators, rather than traditional computer retailers.

Ericsson is also working closely to optimise its F3307 for use in netbooks running on Intel's latest netbook platform, known as Pine Trail-M.

"Built-in mobile broadband helps provide the anytime, anywhere connectivity that consumers desire," said Erik Reid, director of marketing, Intel Mobile Platforms Group, in a statement.

"By working closely with Ericsson, we are enabling manufacturers to address broader market needs at a faster time to market through new channels, such as mobile operators," he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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