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Cisco says Internet video to explode

10 июня 2009

Internet traffic will increase fivefold over the next five years, driven in large part by a jump in the amount of video transmitted across the network, according to Cisco Systems Inc.

The finding highlights a study of the demand on communications networks between 2008 and 2013 that the computer-equipment maker plans to release Tuesday. Along with the study, Cisco is also releasing an application that lets people track how much bandwidth their day-to-day activities consume, and another one for iPhone and BlackBerry owners that tracks how fast the devices connect to the Internet from different locations.

By 2013, Cisco expects Internet traffic - in this case a broad category that includes delivery of content to televisions and mobile phones - to reach about 56 exabytes per month, up from about nine exabytes per month in 2008.(For those who don't speak geek, an exabyte is the technical way of saying an insanely large amount of data; there's a no-doubt apocryphal story on Wikipedia that a study once found that all the words spoken in all of history would only make up about five exabytes.)

More than 90% of this traffic will come from video - be it television, video on demand, or file sharing between computers. Cisco also predicts that video chat will increase tenfold between 2008 and 2013.

Another place where Cisco predicts the amount of data will explode is mobile, as the amount of data flowing to mobile devices will double each year, increasing 66 times by 2013. Again, video will be the fastest growing category.

So what's the takeaway, other than businesses will need to buy a lot of Cisco gear? (The study is obviously self-serving.) That people love watching videos. It's just a matter of time until we're sitting in front of the TV, watching a video on our laptops and fielding a video call on our cell phones.


Источник: Total Telecom

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