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Email-marketing spending to soar to $2bn by 2014

16 июня 2009

There's no end in sight to the scads of spam email infiltrating consumers' inboxes.

According to projections from Forrester Research Inc., spending on email marketing in the U.S. will soar to $2 billion by 2014, a growth rate of nearly 11% a year, fueled by falling cost per thousand, a high return on investment and growing use of social email accounts.

Forrester said in five years, consumers will be slammed with more than 9,000 email marketing messages a year.

Forrester Vice President and Principal Analyst David Daniels said by 2014, direct merchandisers will waste $144 million on emails that never reach their target. Successful marketers, he added, will change their tactics to overcome inbox clutter.

Forrester said the growth areas for email marketing include retention email, messages that recipients have given their permission to receive, which will continue to replace paper mail. Retention emails will make up more than a third of all marketing messages in consumers' inboxes by 2014, increasing competition for marketers, the firm noted.

Spending on ad-sponsored or -supported newsletters will also double in the next five years as print publishers see circulation and ad revenue fall, Forrester said.


Источник: Total Telecom

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