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Digital UK

17 июня 2009

Key points of Digital Britain report

  • Universal broadband access at 2 megabits per second by 2012. This will be partly funded by £200m from funds not used to help swithchover to digital television.
  • A 50p-a-month levy will be imposed on all fixed copper lines to help create an independent “next generation fund” to help pay for faster broadband access.
  • Ofcom, the broadcast regulator, to be given special powers to fight digital piracy, including notifying of infringements and releasing identities of repeat offenders so they can be taken to court by content owners. Internet service providers will be asked to take measures for persistent offenders such as slowing down their internet access.
  • Aim to reduce digital piracy by 70 per cent.
  • The BBC will lose a portion of its licence fee funding to help finance local and regional news after 2013. Before 2013, surplus from the digital switchover spend will help fund trials.
  • All national radio stations to be digital by 2015
  • Existing mobile operators’ 3G licences to be made indefinite rather than fixed to expire in 2021. This will help give mobile operators incentives to invest in their networks. No decision on how spectrum should be shared among the mobile operators to ensure they can build next generation networks. Ofcom may be directed to impose a solution in September.
  • £300m home access scheme to be rolled out to help lower income families get access to broadband internet services.
  • Ofcom to be given the role to encourage investment in the communications infrastructure and to warn government if that infrastructure is deficient.
  • Government will look at whether to give games companies film-style tax breaks.
  • Martha Lane Fox appointed as new “champion for digital”.
  • Tim Berners-Lee to lead a panel advising on the use of personal data.

Источник: Financial Times

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