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Deutsche Telekom to invest €100m less in rural broadband

19 июня 2009

Deutsche Telekom AG will cut investment to provide broadband internet services in rural areas following a recent regulatory decision on charges, Chief Financial Officer Timotheus Hoettges said Wednesday.

Speaking at a Handelsblatt telecommunications conference in Duesseldorf, Hoettges said Germany's incumbent provider will invest EUR100 million less than previously planned in broadband infrastructure in rural areas, because Germany's network regulator lowered the price Deutsche Telekom can charge competitors for the last mile of cable connecting individual households to the local telephony system.

Germany's network regulator said in March that Deutsche Telekom can charge its competitors from April onwards EUR10.20 a month for the "last mile," down from EUR10.50 previously.

Deutsche Telekom had earlier said it wanted to invest EUR300 million in 2009 to expand its broadband internet network in rural areas.


Источник: Total Telecom

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