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Traffic in multi-vendor network needs simplification

23 июня 2009

Nokia Siemens Networks shows how at the OIF Worldwide Interoperability Demonstration.

Handling traffic in multi-vendor networks requires more simplicity to drive OPEX down. Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF’s) latest interoperability test illustrates that vendors like Nokia Siemens Networks are on the right path to meet this demand.


This year’s OIF Worldwide Interoperability Demonstration focuses on multi-domain service restoration based on an interim implementation agreement. Multi-domain service restoration is a key feature improving service availability in multi-vendor control plane deployments.


The test shows that OIF’s proposed User Network Interface (UNI) 2.0 and External Network-to-Network Interface (E-NNI) 2.0 can be enhanced to protect services against data plane failures without the need for 100 percent resource redundancy. In addition to this, it increases network availability and customer satisfaction.


Nokia Siemens Networks based its contribution to the test on the metro/core platform hiT 7080. “Control plane applications in multi-vendor SDH networks need to be enhanced to provide the availability and efficiency carriers expect. Yet, the test results are very encouraging and clearly address market needs,” explains Ulrich Haebel, Project Manager -GMPLS at Nokia Siemens Networks. Haebel is sure that carriers will substantially benefit from multi-domain restoration features which will also result in major OPEX saving due to lesser need for redundancy.


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