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Time Warner informs SEC of plan to spin off AOL

29 июля 2009

U.S. media and entertainment giant Time Warner Inc. informed the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday of its plan to spin off its troubled Internet unit AOL.

The formal notification is a first step ahead of the public listing of AOL, which fused with Time Warner in 2001 in what has been described as one of the most disastrous mergers in corporate history.

Time Warner didn't say when the separation would take place and said it reserved the right to cancel the transaction.

Announcing plans in May to make AOL an independent publicly traded company, Time Warner had said that it hoped to do so before the end of the year.

Once the proposed separation is complete, Time Warner shareholders will own all of the outstanding interests in the Dulles, Va.-based AOL, according to the plan.

An independent AOL would be free to focus on growing its Web brands and services and its advertising business, according to Time Warner.

AOL, formerly known as America Online, saw its heyday as a provider of dial-up service in the early days of the Internet but has been losing ground as consumers switch to high-speed or broadband services.

Источник: Total Telecom

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